Club Contacts
Below is a list of our Club Contacts. Please feel free to contact the relevant person with any enquiry you may have.
Or Email:
President Larry Scott 0411 775 251 |
Vice President Andrew Thomas 0430 971 144 |
Secretary Margaret Scott 0409 688 573 |
Treasurer Brad Stone 0447 79 3562 |
Mens Captain Mark McKay 0428 877 755 |
Ladies Captain Janine Walmsley 0427 196 326
Course Manager Jeff Scott 0429 688 573 |
Bar Manager Jeff Scott 0429 688 573
Committee Trish Thomas 0419 968 369
Committee Rick Rigio 0427 099 829 |
Committee Wayne Cooper 0427 094 488 |
Committee Sharon Williamson 0409 088 757 |
Clubhouse Hire Sharon Williamson 0409 088 757 |